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  • Certified Personal Trainer, NASM

  • Certified Level 1 Nutrition Coach, NCI

  • Owner, Kole Fitness, LLC

  • Specialty Training Areas:

    • Weight loss​

    • Body Recomposition

    • Nutrition - macronutrient guidance, habit development, general guidance for gut issues and autoimmune disorders

    • Heavy weight training

Intelligent Fitness Gym

Growing up, I was always very active in sports, but I wouldn’t have considered myself healthy. I struggled with body dysmorphia and binge eating in my teen years, leaving me extremely self-conscious and uncomfortable in my body. I tried all sorts of diets. Each one left me unhealthy and unhappy. My choice of exercise was running a couple miles every night, and I hated every minute of it! Fitness became a punishment and something I dreaded


It wasn’t until my later college years, that my mindset behind fitness began to change. As a collegiate softball player, lifting weights became a part of my routine. The goal was to always get stronger. There is something about being able to lift heavy weights and build a strong body that is very empowering. My goals went from trying to “be skinny” to becoming strong. My love for weight lifting grew exponentially when my softball career ended. Going to the gym and getting a lift in became the best part of my day. I educated myself on nutrition and properly fed my body so I could look and feel my best. No fad diets and no starvation. Changing my mindset around health and fitness wasn’t easy and it sure didn’t happen overnight, but now I can look in the mirror and love who I am because I made small changes that yielded long lasting and life changing results. 


Becoming a personal trainer was not my first career choice. In fact, I graduated with an accounting degree, worked in the field for a few years, and quickly realized that accounting was not for me. It became very clear to me that I wanted to pursue a career in the health and fitness space. Nearly 40% of Americans are obese, 32% are overweight, and 80% of people who have lost weight gain all the weight back. These statistics inspired me to work with individuals who struggle with weight management. My desire is to help people lose weight and keep it off the right way. No fad diets. No heavy cardio. No crazy calorie restriction. I hope to inspire others to make healthy life changes that will transform their lives in the most positive ways. 

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